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History of Shiasm

Translators note 

This book originally entitled Fitnah Ibn Sabaสผ, better known as History of Shฤซสฟasm is an extremely well researched and comprehensive book. This book was prepared and published by the Islamic assembly, under the guidance of Moulฤnฤ สฟAbd al-Shakลซr al-Farลซqฤซ V, as Moulฤnฤ possessed a unique proficiency in this subject. He had great regard for this book, which discusses the history of the Shฤซสฟah creed as well as the complete life story of its founder- the famous munฤfiq, สฟAbd Allah ibn Sabaสผ. It has clearly elucidated the manner in which this munฤfiq outwardly embraced Islam and later became successful in sowing discord amongst the Muslims and creating an entirely new religion.

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Dr Abdurahman Adrshery I International ColloQuium on Reform I Kottakkal